December 20, 2018

The MASTRO MODA is available on the EMMC website

The MODA on Joule effect modelling is described with more details by following the link Workflow of the different models is presented, from mesoscopic model to macroscopic model. MODA enables the description of each model and relations based on the classification defined in the Review of Material Modelling (RoMM).

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July 11, 2018

H2020 MASTRO 6th month meeting at AMRC, Sheffield

The 6th month interim project meeting of MASTRO was held on July 4 – 5, 2018 at the AMRC facilities in Sheffield, UK. Work package leaders presented the progress achieved in the first six months and outlined their plans for the following six months. Project partners discussed in person about the workflow and the required

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January 17, 2018

H2020 MASTRO Kickoff meeting at ACCIONA, Spain

The Coordinator of the MASTRO project organized the kick-off meeting on 17-18 January 2018, in Madrid, Spain. All partners of the project and the EC’s Project Officer, Dr. Achilleas Stalios (European Commission DG Research & Innovation D3) attended the meeting. Partners presented their institution (activities, facilities, personnel, project role, expected outcomes) and the plan for

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